Developing NFC apps for the Windows 8 Platform

During the NFC Congress in Hagenberg, I gave an overview of how to work with the Proximity APIs of the Windows 8 Platform. These can be used to acquire content via NFC, as well as for ad-hoc interaction between two peers.

The slides are now online at Slideshare, and the first ever overview of the capabilities of the Proximity APIs as well as their use cases. It includes information about the use cases, subscribing for messages from peers and tags, publishing messages, writing tags, using NDEF and establishing long-term connections to peers just by tapping another device.

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By Andreas Jakl

Andreas Jakl is working as Mobility Evangelist at Tieto, to bring the business partner’s vision for mobile app strategies to life. In addition, he is organizing the Mobile Developer After-Work event series together with the community, where expert developers share their knowledge with plenty of time for networking. As Microsoft MVP for Windows Platform Development (Most Valuable Professional), he is also running developer trainings and workshops.