During the NFC Congress in Hagenberg, I gave an overview of how to work with the Proximity APIs of the Windows 8 Platform. These can be used to acquire content via NFC, as well as for ad-hoc interaction between two peers. The slides are now online at Slideshare, and the first ever overview of the… Continue reading Developing NFC apps for the Windows 8 Platform
Author: Andreas Jakl
Andreas Jakl is working as Mobility Evangelist at Tieto, to bring the business partner’s vision for mobile app strategies to life. In addition, he is organizing the Mobile Developer After-Work event series together with the mobility.builders community, where expert developers share their knowledge with plenty of time for networking. As Microsoft MVP for Windows Platform Development (Most Valuable Professional), he is also running developer trainings and workshops.
NDEF library for Windows Proximity APIs
Reading and writing URI messages is easy with the Proximity APIs of the Windows 8 platform. However, it doesn’t contain classes to easily create and parse NDEF messages and records. The new NDEF Library for Proximity APIs helps developers to work with Near Field Communication. Instead of having to manually write pages of source code… Continue reading NDEF library for Windows Proximity APIs
Nfc Interactor coming to Windows Phone 8
At the Nfc Congress in Hagenberg, I have just announced Nfc Interactor for Windows Phone 8. The app brings the powerful tag interaction functionality from the Qt version to the Windows Platform. During the live demonstration, tag analysis as well as the flexible tag composer UI were demonstrated, all redesigned with the elegant Windows Phone… Continue reading Nfc Interactor coming to Windows Phone 8
Edit NFC Tags
Nfc Interactor 4 introduces editing NFC tags. This allows you to read a tag, change its contents and write the modifications back to the tag (of course given that it’s re-writable). How to edit tags Editing a tag is easy: read the tag and then tap on the blue text containing the parsed contents of… Continue reading Edit NFC Tags
Cloning Tags with Nfc Interactor
With the new Nfc Interactor 4.0 you can easily clone tags. This is incredibly useful if you have a reference tag and need to create multiple copies of it. To do so, simply read the tag with the app – Nfc Interactor will parse its contents and print them on the info screen. Now, tap… Continue reading Cloning Tags with Nfc Interactor
Peer-to-Peer with Nfc Interactor
The major new feature of Nfc Interactor 4.0 is the support of Peer-to-Peer communication between two Nfc Forum compatible devices. Essentially, this means that you can now not only write your composed NDEF messages to NFC Tags, but you can also simply touch another phone and directly and instantly push the message to the receiver.… Continue reading Peer-to-Peer with Nfc Interactor
Nfc Interactor 4.0
The new Nfc Interactor 4.0 has passed QA and is now available in the Nokia Store! If you have already downloaded or purchased the app, you will get an update notification from the Nokia Store client. With plenty of new features like peer-to-peer support or cloning and saving tags, it’s definitely worth the upgrade. More… Continue reading Nfc Interactor 4.0
Nfc Interactor 4.0 in Nokia Store QA
The latest version of Nfc Interactor adds peer-to-peer communication, including support for the standardized SNEP protocol. The app is already in the Quality Assurance process for both Symbian and the Nokia N9, so expect the update to be pushed to you soon through the Nokia Store! The source code is already available, now licensed under… Continue reading Nfc Interactor 4.0 in Nokia Store QA
Status Update: Upcoming Nfc Interactor v3.0 Release
Development of the next major update of Nfc Interactor is going at an excellent pace. Apart from several minor improvements and bug fixes, the following new features have already been added since the last official 2.0 release currently available in the Nokia Store: Cloning tags supported (long-press on read tag contents -> Clone) Editing tags… Continue reading Status Update: Upcoming Nfc Interactor v3.0 Release
Nfc Creator updated to v8.0
Nfc Creator now also got its own info page, and at the same time a big update to v8.0 – the new version of the installation package and the updated source code are already available for download. We’ve added support for reading raw data from Mifare NFC tags and improved the architecture of the source… Continue reading Nfc Creator updated to v8.0